Portrait of Poland - Bruno Barbey

Portrait of Poland  Book Cover

Portrait of Poland

Photographs by Bruno Barbey, Anthology complied by Jan Krok-Paszkowski, Preface by Czeslaw Milosz

ISBN 0500540837
London: Thames and Hudson



96 Books about Poland | Polish War Graves in Britain

In 1981 Magnum photographer Bruno Barbey travelled all over Poland. It was the time of Solidarity - a struggle for freedom in Soviet occupied Poland. A Pole, Karol Wojtyla, the former Cardinal Archbishop of Krakow, had been elected Pope. It was a time of hope. A hope that would be temporarily crushed with the introduction of martial law by General Jaruzelski’s government in December 1981. Bruno Barbey recorded life in Poland during this period in a set of 78 photographs. The photographs can be viewed on the Magnum Photography website.

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